Lower Koyukon Page
In an effort to revitalize the Lower Koyukon dialect, Nulato Tribal Council (NTC) searches for funds for projects which support the language.
The Lower Koyukon dialect relies on phonetic characters, and certain letters, to create sounds that do not normally exist in the English language. Those characters are as follows:
• Ł – this sounds similar to the combination of tl and of th into one single sound
• ‘ – represents a cut off or splitting of a word to emphasis the letter before it
• aa – sounds similar to “ah” in English
• e – at the end of a word this represents a quick and sharp “ah”
• ee – sounds similar to the y in the word windy.
• K’ – sounds similar to a hard “Kah” sound
The following pages were created by NTC:
Lower Koyukon Phrases, was funded through a grant from the The Endangered Language Fund of New Haven, CT. The content was written for a children’s book and funded by Foundation for Endangered Languages of Wales, United Kingdom.
Lower Koyukon Songs, was funded by the Bureau of Indian Education’s Johnson-O’Malley program. Karaoke versions are funded by Nulato Hills Enterprises, LLC.
yenghetl-‘aan’_ Breaking down a Denaakkenaage’ verb, was funded by the Doyon Foundation’s Our Language grant.
YKSD’s 1984 Document in Lower Koyukon, was also funded by the Doyon Foundation’s Our Language grant.